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Charles Taylor, SEO

Hi, I'm Charles Taylor, SEO Speaker & Expert

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) & Reputation Management. 

I possess both passion and experience for all the aspects of successful internet marketing: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing and Reputation Management (one of the most overlooked aspects of the field).

Charles Harry Taylor

About Charles Taylor

How can I help you? I want to know about your goals, problems and current online marketing efforts; and then develop a strategy to help you achieve them.

The inherent egalitarian nature of the internet is quickly going away and without proper representation the “big guys” could take over all the valuable online real estate. My personal goal is to help as many small & micro sized companies as possible. I am always looking for ways I can help small companies and individuals with challenging problems.

I have been involved in various aspects of online marketing since 2000. The online marketing verticals I have the most SEO experience with are: law / legal professional services (B2C & B2B), ecommerce (B2C), information marketing and affiliate marketing. For the past 10 years I have had direct managerial and hands in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) with organizations both large and small, as well as an entrepreneur. For the past 5 years I have been dedicated to SEO and Social Media for a family of ecommerce sites, mastering the intricacies of link-building and on-page optimization for both users and the search engines as well as brand promotion on the various top social media sites (i.e. Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest).

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Charles Taylor SEO